Jacob, Jorge, Yan Vieites, Eduardo B. Andrade, and Rafael Goldszmidt, Expected Socioeconomic-Status-Based Discrimination Reduces Price Sensitivity Among the Poor, Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), 59(04), 59(04), pp. 1-18. dissertation paper, JMR Editor's Choice

Urszula, Ula, Sobral Felipe, Jacob Jorge, Andrew Hafenbrack A., Goldzmidt R., “Close enough to make a difference? The differential effects of authentic and ethical leadership on alleviating social identity threat?”, Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP)


Palmeira, Mauricio, Eduardo B. Andrade, Shahin Sharifi, Wen Mao, and Jorge Jacob (2019), “The Influence of Arbitrary Breakpoints on Judgments of Maximum Output,” Journal of Consumer Psychology (JCP), 30(2), 260-276.


Jacob, Jorge, and Chen Jacqueline, “Not in My Group: Racial Minorities’ Enforce Stricter Ingroup

Boundaries to Avoid Stereotype-Confirmation”, European Journal of Social Psychology (EJSP)


Vieites, Yan, Bernardo Andretti, Mariana Weiss, Jorge Jacob, Michelle Hallack, “Effectively Communicating the Removal or Fossil Energy Subsidies: Evidence from Latin America”, Global Environmental Change (GEC)

Jacob, Jorge, and Valerie Purdie-Greenaway (2021), “Stigma interventions with low-income consumers,” In Innovative Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Programs Across the World. Routledge, Nordstrom, A. H., & Goodfriend, W. (Eds.), pp. 235-246

Behr, Patrick, and Jorge Jacob, “Neighborhood Social Capital, Account Usage and Savings Behavior in Low-Income Countries: Field Experimental Evidence from Senegal”, Journal of International Development (JID)

Ramos, Guilherme, Yan Vieites, Jorge Jacob and Eduardo B. Andrade (2020) “Political Orientation and Support for Social Isolation during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Brazil,” Brazilian Journal of Public Administration (RAP), 54(4)